Junior Achievement Shows Club

Mike Rush, Midland Kiwanis member and President of Junior Achievement (JA) of North Central Michigan and Melissa Gleason, Vice President of Education (not pictured) showed the Club the world of JA as a “student in the classroom” at the March 24 Midland Kiwanis Club meeting.

Foundation Supports Midland Soccer Club

Midland Soccer Club, represented by George Hageage, Technical and Programming Director and Marshall Gray, Executive Director Business Operations, received a grant from Midland Kiwanis Foundation, Mike Rush, President.

Home to Stay Director Educates Club

Joe Coffey, Executive Director of Home to Stay, was the program speaker at Midland Kiwanis Club on March 10.

Club Member Honored for Service

Earl Soules, Midland Kiwanis Club Project Leader, is presented Kiwanis Distinguished Service Award by Kevin Shaughnessy, President.

Midland Kiwanis Club supports MCYL

Cathy Devendorf, Midland Kiwanis Services Committee Chair, presents a donation from Midland Kiwanis Club to Ricky Wang and Angelina Chen of Midland County Youth Leadership

Welcome to our newest members!

The Kiwanis Club of Midland is happy to welcome three new members this month. Bart is seen here presenting club hats to Marabeth, Laura and Dave.

We’re in the News!

Midland Kiwanis Club has been busy this holiday season. Check out the recent Midland Daily News article.

Midland Kiwanis Club hosts, volunteers for holiday events

By Midland Daily News Jan 15, 2025

The Midland Kiwanis Club hosted or volunteered for many community holiday events in December.


On December 4, the Midland Kiwanis Club invited Midland Center for the Arts Youth Honors Chorus to provide a Christmas program. Club members, spouses, and choir parents were treated to a wonderful holiday concert. Held at Creative 360, the concert featured the 15-member Vocalise Choir, composed of budding young vocalists from grades 3-8.

Director Anna Doering led the choir through a half-hour performance featuring holiday songs from around the world including Russia, Japan, and Mexico. Following their formal set, Doering and the choir led the audience in a sing-a-long of holiday favorites including “Jingle Bells” and “Feliz Navidad.”

After Kiwanis presented the choir with a monetary donation, cookies and drinks were enjoyed by the 70 people who participated in this annual holiday tradition. John Anderson and his Scholarship Committee sponsored this special night to kick off the holiday season.


On December 9 and 19, Midland Kiwanis Club volunteered at the Santa House on the corner of M-20 and Main Street. Kiwanis “elves” facilitated children’s visits with Santa by ushering kids and parents through the house to talk with Santa about their Christmas wishes. Greg Dorrien coordinated the volunteer shifts.


On December 11, several Kiwanis Club members served as hosts for the Senior Services Holiday Party in Sanford. They assisted with a game called 
“Left, Right Christmas Story” that generated lots of laughter. Donna Jo Aiken and the Community Services Committee led this renewed effort for the club. 




On December 12, Midland Kiwanis Club held a Holiday Party for the pre-K children at West Midland Family Center. The children decorated their own cookies, listened to a winter story, and sang Christmas carols. Following the fun, children received gifts of clothing to celebrate the season. Twenty-six children and some of their parents participated in the fun.
On December 16, Midland Kiwanis hosted a Holiday Party at Greater Midland North Family Center for the preschoolers. Thirteen children and their teachers joined in the fun with cookie decorating, story reading, and gifts. Cathy Devendorf and the Youth Services Committee led these fun holiday parties.

These parties could nothave been complete without those who donated gifts, shopped for gifts and volunteered at the events.

If you would like to learn about Midland Kiwanis Club’s other activities throughout the year, go to www.midlandkiwanis.org.

Join Us!

Next Meeting: January 27, 2025, 6 p.m.
Location: Hearth Room, First United Methodist Church
Program: Nadine Kahn will be speaking to us about the Disabilities Network.
